August 31st, 2009
Hudson Tyler Dean was born at 12:49pm. He weighed in at a whopping 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long. He came fast and furious.....Very short induced labor. Praise Jesus! It was truly the most exciting wonderful amazing day of mine and Dustin's lives.
The months leading up to this day were very scary. Hudson was diagnosed with a lung condition called Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation. The bottom half of his left lung looked as though it had many tiny tumorous masses in it. There was the risk of them growing and causing his heart to become squished, so we had an ultrasound every week (sometimes twice a week) from week 21 until birth to make sure there was no growth. It just stayed the same. At his birth, we had a team of NICU nurses and a neonatologist present in case he had trouble breathing, but he came out just fine breathing like a champ. Surgery would come at three months.
September, 2009
With Hudson only 18 days old, we moved to College Station. Dustin had been driving back and forth since June with his new job with Sexing Technologies. We finally sold our house, and found a cute little rent house to call home until we can find exactly what we want in the BCS area.
October, 2009
October was spent getting settled in with our home in College Station....and college football....and Halloween.
November, 2009
In November we had our consultation with the Texas Childrens surgeon that would be doing his lung operation in December.....and we continued with college footbal....and our first Thanksgiving with our new little blessing.
December, 2009
At just three months old, Hudson had the lower half of his left lung completely removed. He was so brave and strong, and we were blessed to have the best doctors in the world performing the surgery. It was the hardest thing we have ever had to go through; to see our baby in pain after surgery and not be able to help him. He came through it like the little strong man he is, has recovered 100%, could run marathons when gets older, and has a cool scar to show for it all. We are so thankful for Texas Childrens in Houston. Hud will have no lasting effects from this speed bump in his life. God is so good. Two weeks later we spent a wonderful Christmas at home in College Station.
January, 2010
By 4 months, Hudson had mastered eating baby food and jumping in his "jumpy jump". He got his first palm leaf at the Fort Worth Stockshow, and Daddy creased it just right.
February, 2010
The five month marker seemed to turn our tiny infant into a growing little boy. He really started to jabber and began sitting up on his own. We started swinging in the park, went to a couple of bull sales with Daddy, and attended Aggie basketball games.
March, 2010
Along came March, and we couldn't believe we had a six-month-old. We were having so much fun, we didn't know what we did before him! The month was filled with lots of playing and the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers convention in Fort Worth.
April, 2010
By April, Hudson was sitting up on his own and eating lots of baby food. He was beginning to giggle a lot more, and his funny personality was starting to show itself. The weather was finally getting warmer, and we celebrated our first Easter with our sweet boy.
May, 2010
Eight whole months, and we have a little mess on our hands. He is so much fun!! Such a great little man and still the cuddly baby he has been since he was born. By the middle of May, Hudson finally began to show signs that he was ready to crawl but didn't actually make the move until the last week of the month. He "scooches" using his right foot and his left knee, but he can go! He got his first pair of boots in Abilene at the Western Heritage Classic weekend, and also made his first trip to the pool. He is a little water bug!
June, 2010
June....oh, June. How hot it has gotten in College Station!! But we endure the heat because this little boy LOVES to be outside. At nine months, Hudson is crawling everywhere....follows me like a little puppy at my ankles. He is eating all table food now. He got a dose of squash casserole and green beans (both from the garden) at my grandparents' house in Wortham, and he was done with baby food. The boy can eat! He loves green beans, soft canned carrots, avocado, cheese, scrambled eggs, sweet potatoes, plums (straight from the tree), squash, name it. He only has four teeth and one coming in, and he thinks he has a mouth full of chompers. He says, "Hey!" anytime a phone makes a sound or someone walks in the door and "Mamamama" and "Da". The little fish loves to go swimming and take baths. He is such a blessing, and we are so thankful he is ours! that we are caught up (for the most part), I hope to continue keeping up!
Much love and many blessings.
I love your blog and will put in in with the others that I check daily. I hope you have as much fun posting to it as everyone will have reading it!
Sandy Douthitt
Great job on the blog, Annie! He is ADORABLE and you look AWESOME!
I'm loving the blog, Annie. Doesn't the world just seem to go away, once you are blessed with a child? He's precious!
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