Monday, July 12, 2010

Not Just Yet!!

Our sweet boy is on his way to walking!  It is exciting but revealing of how fast time has gone by.  We are just not ready for our baby to grow up so fast....walking now...then driving before we know it!!  We got him this litte push toy thinking he would just play with the buttons for a while and was not going to "push" it for at least a few weeks....boy, were we wrong!  We didn't show him a thing, and the second day he had it he was pushing it around like he knew exactly what he was supposed to do!  We were watching the World Cup championship on a cozy pallet in the living room floor just after a great sermon at church and a big Sunday lunch at Cotton Patch. Next thing we knew, we was rolling and walking!

Take 1

Take 2

Last week, Hudson and I took a day trip to the Cypress Outlet mall.  He loved the little rides there....and strolling around outside to shop.  He did some swimming out on the back porch a couple of nights too.

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