Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy New Year.......

.......22 days later!  It has taken me a few weeks to get back in the swing of being online again.  We finally got internet service at our new home a week ago, and after catching up on some other things, I have finally gotten around to the blog! 

Let's see.....the move went well, and we are loving our new home.  Hudson loves the room he has outside to run around, and his favorite thing to do inside is make circles around the bar in the kitchen.  Being 10 minutes outside of College Station isn't nearly as convenient as it was when we were right in the middle of town, but we have settled in great and are loving everything about this place!    

Less than a week after we got moved, Christmas was here!!  The days leading up to Christmas were full or packing and more packing, but we made time to make sure Hudson KNEW it was definitely Christmas.  One night before we moved, we took him to Santa's Wonderland just outside of College Station.  It was amazing!  You would not believe the lights, and the music, and the fun!  There was so much to do and look at.  I would recommend it to anyone.  It seems to get bigger and better every year. 
We had a wonderful Christmas.  We spent Christmas Eve Eve and Christmas Eve morning at our house, and then put about 90,000 miles on the the Hummer....just kidding, but it was worth it.  We love traveling to see's just the traveling home part that is never fun.  We had Christmas in College Station, Wortham, Jacksboro, Henrietta, and Tehuacana.  We are so blessed and thankful. 
Christmas with Hudson was fun last year, but it was a blast this year.  Last year, we were just getting him healed up from surgery the week before.  This year, he was healthy and knew everything that was going on.....from unwrapping gifts to the "star" on the tree.  Seeing him soak in the spirit of Christmas was amazing.

Of course, we had to get Christmas Pictures made.  There were so many good ones, but these are our favorites!!  And does he look like a 15 month-old to you?  I think he looks so big!  The one in the blue sweater...He looks like a 3 year-old!  Sweet boy is getting big too fast.

Hudson has changed a lot in the past six weeks too.  His vocabulary is growing every day, and he is definitely a little chatter box.  He is very strong-willed and sometimes even a little stubborn.  His love for music shows more and more every day....and he will sit in his room and look at books on his own for almost an hour at a time sometimes.

He had his one year post-surgery follow-up at Texas Childrens on January 5th, and everything looks great.  His upper lobe of his lung has filled in the whole empty space that was left by taking his lower lobe out.  There was absolutely no fluid build-up at all, and the doctor said his x-ray looked exactly like he wanted it to.  We are so thankful for such a great surgeon and God's grace through that whole ordeal, and we are so blessed that everything turned out so well the way it did.

These next pictures are from just the last couple of weeks. 

Getting ready for the Cotton Bowl

With one of my good friends from high school, Mr. Jeff Lang, at Seth Johnston's wedding

With the happy couple, Seth and Emily

Hudson LOVED the band at the they let him play a few.

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